Reference materials are helpful when you are looking for background information or authoritative facts on a subject.
This database will help to locate a wealth of information in on a broad range of topics in quality reference sources.
Credo Reference An online reference library that provides access to a selection of reference books, including encyclopedias, dictionaries, thesauri, and books of quotations.
Concise Oxford dictionary of politics This dictionary covers political thinkers, institutions, and concepts, the dictionary has an international perspective.
Congress and the Nation. Congressional Quarterly, 1964-
Offers a survey of United States politics and government based on material from the CQ Almanac with the addition of information from other sources. Location: Second Floor, Reference Area, Call number: REF KF 49.C65.
Congressional Quarterly Almanac. Congressional Quarterly, 1955-Congressional Quarterly almanac tells the story of Congress for the year. It is a condensation of acts, amendments, committee activity, debates, hearings, investigations, vital statistics on lawmakers, party policies and votes.
Princeton encyclopedia of American Political History This reference work is intended to provide, authoritative and up-to-date articles on political history of America. Major issues, themes, institutions, processes, and developments as they have been manifest throughout the whole of United States history, from before the decision for independence to the present are discussed.
Encyclopedia of American Public Policy by Byron M. Jackson. ABC-CLIO, 1999.
A highly competent and authoritative resource that will answer a wide variety of questions regularly asked by students studying history, government, economics, and other topics in the social sciences.