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Researcher Profiles and Identifiers

Open Scholarship

Profile Photo
Alexa Hight
Albert B. Alkek Library
Texas State University
San Marcos, TX

Import ORCID Record Publications to Faculty Profiles

  • Under your Activities tab (top) and under the section for Scholarly / Creative Activities, you will select Publications.

screenshot of the faculty qualifications tab with activities section highlighted and indicated to click on publications

  • In the Publications section, you will select the Import button near the top right of the screen.

screenshot of the publications with the button highlighted for import

  • From the Import Publications section, you will see Import from a Third Party.
    • Select a service dropdown to choose ORCID.

screenshot of the import publications screen with import from a third party and service selected as ORCID

  • You will be prompted to Sign In to your ORCID record.
  • If you do not already have an ORCID iD, you can select the button to Register:
  • Once you are registered, you can Sign In to your ORCID record by selecting Sign in through your institution and then sign in using your TXST NetID and Password.

screenshot of the sign in page of orcid indicating the selection of sign in through your institution

  • If you have not already added Texas State University as a Trusted Organization, you will see a prompt to Authorize Access.
  • Click Authorize Access to add Texas State University to your Trusted Organizations in ORCID. This will allow Faculty Qualifications to connect with the ORCID API.

For more information, see this Step-by-Step Tutorial.

  • Once you have connected your ORCID iD and authorized access to Texas State University, you can select Search ORCID.screenshot of the activities and import publications section with the button highlighted for search orcid
  • You will then be shown a list of publications from your ORCID record.
  • Select any that you would like to Import from ORCID to Faculty Qualifications by clicking on the box to the right of the publication information.
    • NOTE: You will be asked to review each before importing.






  • For all publications from your ORCID record that you selected, you will be shown a Potential Match screen, to verify.
  • If the ORCID record is accurate, you can click Import at the bottom right. If not, or you made the selection in error, you can click Skip.
  • Once you click Import, the publication from your ORCID record will be added to your Faculty Qualifications record.

screenshot of the potential match screen with the import button highlighted












  • Finally, you'll see the Review Publications and Import screen and if everything looks good, click Finish Import.
  • The records are loaded into the Faculty Qualifications System immediately and you'll see a confirmation.

ORCID: Trusted Organization

  • You can view all of your ORCID Trusted Organizations at any time.
    • Once logged in to your ORCID record, select your name at the top right. In the drop-down, select Trusted Organizations. This will take you to a view of all Trusted Organizations you have authorized to view and connect your records.










  • For example, you may have publishers and funders authorized as Trusted Organizations to automatically add updated records when you have a new publication or grant funded research. You can review your Trusted Organizations at any time.