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SOWK 4374: Beginning Field Practice in Social Work: Home


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Getting Started | Background Information


  1. How visitation rooms influence cps cases -- you could leave this broad to "influence etc." or define what you mean by influence specifically.
    ( "child protective services" or "child welfare" or "child protection" ) AND visit* AND ( effects or impact or consequences or influence or outcomes or effectiveness or efficacy or benefits )

  2. Middle schoolers impacted by online learning. -- define impact, for example, do you mean impact on their learning, or maybe socialization/mental health?
    ( "middle school*" or "junior high" ) AND ( "online learning" or "e-learning" or "distance learning" or "virtual learning" or "remote learning" )

  3. Improving academics and school engagement through one on one support. -- "school engagement" could be broadened out to "academic achievement" and limited to a certain level, like elementary or secondary or higher education
    ( "school engagement" or "student engagement" or "academic engagement" or disengagement ) AND ( "one on one" or individual* )

  4. My topic is literacy as I will be creating a reading buddie/book buddies group at my elementary school placement site.
    ( "reading buddies" or "book buddies" ) AND ( elementary or primary or "early childhood" )

  5. How simplifying the SNAP application process can benefit older adults and individuals with disabilities
    ( "supplemental nutrition assistance program" or "Community Food Services" ) AND ( disab* or "special needs" )

  6. Social workers and law enforcement
    ( "social worker*" or "social services" ) AND ( "law enforcement" or police )

  7. Parent Support Programs -- define "support" ; I limited the search to disciplines for some focus ideas
    "Parent* Support" AND ( group* or program* )

  8. Job Readiness training to prepare inmates to enter the workforce
    ( "Job Readiness" or "employment readiness" or "Career Readiness" or "job training" or "job skills" ) AND ( inmates or prison* or incarcerated )

  9. Mental health psycho-education impact beliefs about mental health among Latinx inmates -- I couldn't get anymore specific than the keywords below
    ( "psycho education" or psychoeducation* ) AND ( inmates or prison* or incarcerated )

  10. Service provision/delivery of health care during the process of aging out of foster care.
    ( "aging out" or "age* out" ) AND ( fostercare or "foster care" or "foster system" or "foster children" or "foster youth*" )


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Margaret Vaverek