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SPED 5334: Assessment and Evaluation of Students with Disabilities


This class is focused on special education assessment. Assignments will include a Test Critique, Current Issues in Assessment Research Paper, Annotated Bibliography. Their research will look at specific areas of assessment for students with disabilities, and the challenges and controversies about assessing children—for diagnosis, to guide intervention, etc. Example categories might include behavioral assessments and students who are bilingual that may (or may not) have a disability. Also, what are the best procedures? This group also needs to learn about Mental Measurements Yearbook so that they can look up specific tests and see the reviews.

Buros MMY in APA | Citing MMY citations and test reviews

APA Annotated Bibliography | OWL Annotated Bibliography

OWL APA 7th edition

Behavior Assessment System for Children (BASC)
Behavioral and Emotional Screening System (BESS)
MFacts Adaptive Behavior Inventory 
Gray Oral Reading 4 and 5
Test of Silent Contextualized Reading Fluency (TOSCRF)2
Comprehensive Test of Phonological Awareness (CTOPP)
Behavioral and Emotional Rating Scale BERS2
Diagnostic Achievement Battery (DAB3)
Test of Oral Language Development P:3
Test of Problem Solving Elementary
Test of Written Language 4
Test of Non-Verbal Intelligence 3
Test of Adolescent Language 4

University Libraries does have some Restricted Test Kits and Testing Kits.
