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Writing & Citation Style Guides

This is a guide to citation styles resources at Alkek and beyond.

Other Citation Styles



AAA Style Guide (American Anthropological Association) NOTE -- As of September 9, 2015 AAA announced this: "After much consideration of publishing standards and member input, AAA has decided to cease production of the AAA Style Guide. AAA style now adheres fully to the current edition of the Chicago Manual of Style (Author-Date)." APA is also a preferred Anthropology style as is AJPA Citation Style (see listed below).

Association of American Geographers (AAG) Style Guide follows the rules outlined in the 15th edition of the Chicago Manual of Style (CMS) and should be consulted for information regarding style, format, and word usage. Please visit CMS FAQs for frequently asked questions. 

ACS Style Guide (Chemistry) 

AJPA - American Journal of Physical Anthropology Style Guide 

American Journal of Physical Anthropology Style Guide (2011) PDF

American Medical Association (AMA)

American Political Science Association (APSA)  

Bluebook (Legal)

CBE (Biology, SLAC*), now known as CSE

IEEE Editorial Style Manual (Online)
IEEE Guide to Writing in the Engineering and Technical Fields, First Edition - Ebook​ 

Library of Congress Electronic Citations

Citation Management

Consider using a citation management software to help keep track of your citations for your bibliography.

Do you need the Web or Desktop version?

EndNote is a citation management tool that enables you to:
     ►Organize your research Include citations while you write your paper
     ►Build a bibliography in a variety of formats
     ►Import references from library databases and Google Scholar.

See Also:  Canvas EndNote Modules  EndNote Web Tutorials  EndNote Desktop Tutorials

Print copies of Various Style Guides