Full text: means you can read the article on the screen immediately
Index: a list of published articles (and often books and other things), usually arranged around a common theme or subject
Abstract: a brief description of the article, often summarizing the argument
Databases come from the Philosophy Databases by Subject page.
Encompasses all key fields of the humanities. Includes articles, interviews, obituaries, original works of fiction, drama, poetry, and reviews. Indexing from 1900, full text from 1909 to present.
Informative, author-written abstracts covering scholarly research in all areas of philosophy. Indexing covers journal articles, books, book chapters such as contributions to an anthology, and book reviews. 1940 to present.
Full text of dissertations from universities between 1933 and 1955, plus additional indexing to more recent dissertations.
Not all content retrieved in a search is available full-text.
Searches scholarly literature, including peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, preprints, abstracts, and technical reports.
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