Search multiple databases and different types of content together. Databases searched include the library's catalog, Texas State Digital Collections repository, and many but not all Texas State licensed databases.
Searches scholarly literature, including peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, preprints, abstracts, and technical reports.
Searching encyclopedias other reference materials is a great way to gather background information. Some of these links were taken from the Dictionaries & Encyclopedias Databases by Type page.
Over 600 reference books, including encyclopedias, dictionaries (English and foreign language), thesauri, books of quotations, as well as a range of subject-specific reference books.
Databases come from the Philosophy Databases by Subject page.
Encompasses all key fields of the humanities. Includes articles, interviews, obituaries, original works of fiction, drama, poetry, and reviews. Indexing from 1900, full text from 1909 to present.
Informative, author-written abstracts covering scholarly research in all areas of philosophy. Indexing covers journal articles, books, book chapters such as contributions to an anthology, and book reviews. 1940 to present.
Databases come from the Dissertations & Theses Databases by Type page.
Full text of dissertations from universities between 1933 and 1955, plus additional indexing to more recent dissertations.
Databases come from the Primary Resources page found on the Databases by Type page.
A digital collective of books and journals from numerous academic and research libraries around the world.
Scholarly Latin American cultural, historical and social research published by research institutes, non-governmental organizations, and agencies not controlled by commercial publishers. Includes working documents, pre-prints, research papers, and statistical documents.
Latin American primary resources on cultural life, boundary disputes, religion, and politics. 19th and early 20th century