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Primary Sources
- Foreign Relations of the United States
- U.S. Department of State. Washington, D.C., 1861- .
The 'official' documentary record of U.S. foreign policy. Correspondance, reports, and documents relating to U.S. diplomatic history, published with a delay of approximately 25 years. The most recent volumes (The Carter Administration, 1977-1980) are available online. Pre-Kennedy section includes selected digitized volumes back to 1861. - Dana Call Number: JX233 .A3
Index to 1939-1945 volumes: Ref. JX233 .A3 Suppl.
- Foreign Relations of the United States 1861-1958/60
- The University of Wisconsin-Madison Libraries in collaboration with the University of Illinois at Chicago Libraries have digitized most of the first hundred years of the FRUS. Volumes can be browsed or searched.
- Declassified Documents Reference System
- Full-text database of documents that have been declassified by the U.S. government. Includes CIA, FBI, State Department, National Security Agency, and White House documents, among others. Largest coverage beginning after World War II, although some earlier documents are included. Rutgers-restricted Access
- U.S. Department of State: Plans, Performance, Budgets
- "Quick links to the most recently published Department of State performance-related plans and reports, budget documents, and Agency Financial Reports. An archive of past reports, including available HTML or multi-part PDF versions of reports, is also available."