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Spanish 5310B-Don Quijote: Websites

Dr. Y. Porras

Some tips on evaluating sources

Evaluating Internet Sources

“The Web is an electronic repository for books, data collections, encyclopedias, libraries, and any disparate piece of text, graphic, or sound byte that someone chose to put on-line. And some of it is inaccurate, biased, out-of-date, shallow, and inappropriate for academic use.”   Lida Larsen–Information Literacy.

Ask These Questions


Who is the author of the page? Can you identify their qualifications for providing this information?


Are the sources of factual information easy to verify? Is the information itself verifiable from another source?


Are there biases of opinion in the material, and are they clearly stated?


Are there dates on the page that indicate when the page was written? Are there some indications that the information is kept current or has the page been abandoned?


How complete is the information on the page?  Is the treatment superficial and broad, or in-depth? Are there links to other information sources from this page?

Other Considerations

Permanence–is the information likely to STAY up for a reasonable amount of time?
Purpose–is the information there to serve as a vehicle for advertisements?
Origin–is the page from an educational institution, the government, or a non-profit organization?

Useful Links

This project hopes to digitize, catalog and place online thousands of literary works in Spainsh. Some of the many authors included are Miguel de Cervantes, Garcilaso de la Vega, San Juan de la Cruz, Francisco de Quevedo y Villegas, and Lope de Vega
Provides information on Iberian and Latin American culture and language.
Full-text searchable versions of his complete works including Spanish and English language versions of Don Quixote.
From the Newberry Library's Digital Collections for the Classroom, a rich collection of  primary documents, including maps.
Find general information about Don Quijote and Miguel de Cervantes.  Access to images and video that may be relevant for research. 
Free Ebook of Don Quijote (Text is in Spanish). 
Links from an academic site supporting the production of Spanish classical theater.
Google Web Search

Don Quijote