The Libraries subscribe to a number of streaming video collections that you can search.
You can also refer to a number of open resources similar to YouTube. (provided CC0 - no attribution necessary - this one's my favorite in terms of style also) (free with attribution) (says it's free as long as you keep the watermark attribution) (all CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) (all free - mixed licenses) (mix of free and for-profit photos) (also mix) Collection from Getty (mix)
Also remember to keep in mind:
The Libraries subscribe to a number of streaming audio and speeches collections that you can search.
You can also refer to a number of open resources similar to YouTube.
Also remember to keep in mind:
Education Source library subscription
MAS Complete | This resource is designed specifically for high school libraries, it provides full text for popular general interest and current events publications, pamphlets, reference books, biographies, primary source documents, photos, maps and flags.
Middle Search Plus | Provides full text for popular magazines for middle and jr. high school research. All full text articles in the database are assigned a reading level indicator (Lexiles). Also contains biographies, primary source documents, photos, maps and flags.
Primary Search | Provides full text for nearly 80 popular magazines for elementary school research. All articles in the database are assigned a reading level indicator (Lexiles). | An easy-to-use online resource that provides multimedia content to complement children's and young adult books. Resources include audio book readings, book discussion guides, lesson plans, and more, for thousands of children’s and young adult books in English and Spanish.
See Also: K-12 Databases --- Newspapers/News --- Primary Sources