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HA 5301 Healthcare Administration Research Methods: Research Databases & Peer Reviewed



Key Databases

Other Databases Worth Considering


Google Scholar

If you search Google Scholar, please consider configuring your Google Scholar account so that you will see the option FindIt@TxState. This options allows you to see if the full text of an article is available through the library. 

OR just access Google Scholar from the Databases page: 

Research Databases page with arrow pointing to Google Scholar link.


Is it Peer-Reviewed?

Here are 3 suggestions for determining if an article is peer reviewed.

Library Databases: Some of the library's databases either have a field or indication that an entry is peer reviewed. Remember, "scholarly" is not the same as "peer reviewed."

Ulrichsweb: Search by either the title of the journal (not the article title) or by the journal's ISSN. If you see this icon, , then that is an indication the research articles in the journal are peer reviewed. This database uses "refereed" in place of "peer reviewed".

Serials Directory: Search by the journal's ISSN and limit to the field "IS ISSN (No Dashes)". Make sure to enter only enter the 8 digits removing the dash if present. This resource will indicate if an entry is peer reviewed by showing the field "Peer Reviewed: Yes" in an entry. If the resource is not peer reviewed or if this resource cannot provide that information the "Peer Reviewed" line will be omitted.