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BIO 7361A: Discipline-Based Educational Research Methods

This guide is intended to support students enrolled in Dr. Daniel's Biology Discipline-Based Educational Research Methods course.

Finding a Journal to Publish Your Research

Perhaps the most crucial way to find the right journal to publish in is to think about which journals you read or cite the most in your own research. Additionally, talking to your faculty members and peers about journals they submit their research to may help guide your decision. Some questions you might also want to ask yourself include:

Is this the right place for my work?

  • Does the subject matter covered in the journal match your scholarship?
  • Do the types of articles published and article length guidelines match with what you want to submit?
  • Who is the audience of the journal?

Is this a trusted journal?

  • Can you identify the publisher? Are they affiliated with an organization you're familiar with? Is there contact information present? 
  • Do the affiliations & backgrounds of the editorial board and authors publishing in the journal appear to be appropriate for the subject matter of the journal?
  • Are articles peer-reviewed?
  • Does the journal have an ISSN, and do articles have DOIs?
  • Are the journal's copyright policies & any fees to publish clear? If you'd like to publish open access, are there options?
  • Is the journal indexed in a database that you use?

Noteworthy Journals in Biology Education Research

Spotting Predatory Journals