The following boxes provide links to a only a sample of the online resources available to Texas State University Libraries' users. For full access to the available online resources please visit the Periodical List and Research Databases pages.
Articles about economic conditions, management techniques, theory and practice of business, advertising, marketing, economics, human resources, finance, and taxation. 1971-present
Covers investment; industry, company, & market research reports; case studies; SWOT analyses. 1886 to present.
Accounting & auditing library, expert RIA analysis, FASB, GASB, AICPA, PCAOB, International Accounting Standards and more. Coverage dates vary. Simultaneous user limit varies by product, from 2 to 35.
Provides access to tax resources such as U.S. Tax Reporter, Federal Tax Coordinator and resources from Warren, Gorham, & Lamont (WGL). Simultaneous user limit is 20. Users must create an account each semester.
Academic journals and books for engineering, business, and social science research. Access is from first date of publication through 2019, for books, and to present for journals.
Corporate history, business descriptions, and detailed financial information on publicly traded companies. 1909 to 2021. Data on municipal securities is from 1918-2021. Simultaneous user limit is 50.
Here are 2 suggestions for determining if an article is peer reviewed.
Library Databases: Some of the library's databases either have a field or indication that an entry is peer reviewed. Remember, "scholarly" is not the same as "peer reviewed."
Ulrichsweb: Search by either the title of the journal (not the article title) or by the journal's ISSN. If you see this icon, , then that is an indication the research articles in the journal are peer reviewed. This database uses "refereed" in place of "peer reviewed".
What is LibKey Nomad?
When using a resource and full text is available you may see an image similar to the one at the top of this section.
How Do I Get the LibKey Nomad Browser Extension On My Computer?
This plug in can be added to a number of popular browsers from here:
As you add the plug in make sure to choose Texas State University as the associated institution.