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FCS 5310: Research Methods in Nutrition and Family & Child Development: Library Services

A course guide to library research resources for Prof. Johnson 's Research Methods graduate students.

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Use the Ask Us! service for questions about library resources, research assignments or other information. We offer chat and text, or you can email your question.

You may also Request Research Assistance with a librarian or specialist. 


Request a TexShare card through this request form or sign up at the Checkout Desk on the 3rd floor.

  • Texshare cards allow you borrowing privileges at many local libraries, including the following participating libraries.
  • All current Texas State students and employees are eligible.
  • Cards are valid for 1 long semester.
  • Materials must be returned to the same library from which they were borrowed.
  • You are responsible for any charges for lost or damaged materials. 
  • Students that do not return items will have "holds" placed on their records. This will prevent you from registering for classes, obtaining transcripts or grades, etc.
  • For questions about TexShare contact the Checkout Desk at 512.245.3681 or via email.