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GEO 4340: Fundamental Themes in Geography: Finding Books

Tips for Finding Books

Types of Searches


  • Combine terms using AND.
  • This search returns records that contain words that match exactly what you typed in.
  • This is often (but not always) the best place to start.


  • Catalog uses pre-defined subjects. 
  • This type of search works well if you are browsing for a particular subject that you know or a broad term. So if you aren't finding anything, switch to the keyword search instead.
  • Subjects are arranged using the Library of Congress Classification system.


  • Author searches are for looking for items a particular person has authored or written.
  • The library catalog works best if you type in searches in the format "Lastname, Firstname."
  • If you want books about a person, search for their name by subject.


  • Use this search if you know the title of the material that you want.

Interlibrary Loan

Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is a Library lending service available to current TxState students and employees. ILL borrows items from other libraries that the Alkek Library does not own. Use ILLIAD, the online interlibrary loan request system, to order your ILL items.

It is free to use this service. Typical turnaround for a book is 1-2 weeks. If articles are found in electronic format, requests can be sent to you via.

Contact & Pick-up Info:

Items can be picked up at the Checkout Desk on the 3rd floor.

Please call 512.245.4893 or email with additional questions.


Request a card online through this TexShare card form or sign up in person at the Checkout Desk. 

  • Texshare cards allow you borrowing privileges at many local libraries, including the following participating libraries.
  • All current students and employees are eligible.
  • Cards are valid for an entire semester.
  • Materials must be returned to the same library from which they were borrowed.
  • You are responsible for any charges for lost or damaged materials. 
  • Students that do not return items will have "holds" attached to their records that prevent you from registering for classes, obtain transcripts or grades, etc.
  • For questions about TexShare contact the Checkout Desk at 512.245.3681 or via email

Geography call numbers

Here are some areas that you might choose to browse for geography materials.

G 1 - 922 5th floor  Geography (General)
G 1000 - 3122 5th floor Atlases
G 3180 - 9980 5th floor Maps
GA 1 - 1776 5th floor Cartography. Mathematical geography
GB 3 - 5030 5th floor Physical geography
GC 1 - 1581 5th floor Oceanography
GE 1 - 350 5th floor Environmental sciences
GF 1 - 900 5th floor Human ecology. Anthropogeography
HB 848 - 3697 5th floor Population geography
HD 101 - 1395 5th floor Land use
K 3581-3598 6th floor Environmental law
QC 851 - 999 6th floor Meteorology. Climatology
QE 1 - 999 6th floor Geology  
S 590 - 599 6th floor Soils
S 900 - 972 6th floor Conservation of natural resources
TC 1-1800 6th floor Hydraulic Engineering
TD 1- 1600 6th floor Environmental Technology

Check the Library of Congress Classification Outline for more detailed information.