Analyze company financials for international companies, create your own search criteria and develop comparisons for export to Excel.
MarketLine Advantage and Passport GMID also contain more basic company information. Search by keyword, company name or industry.
Covers investment; industry, company, & market research reports; case studies; SWOT analyses. 1886 to present.
Texas State is permitted to use Harvard Business Review for course assignments.
Articles about economic conditions, management techniques, theory and practice of business, advertising, marketing, economics, human resources, finance, and taxation. 1971-present
Company, industry, financial, and country profiles. Includes company description, history, products, competitors, and key employees; industry segmentation, competitive landscape, leading companies, forecasts, economic performance, potential development, and business environmental analysis. Case Studies provide concise evaluations of the latest innovative company strategies. Current / past 2 years to present.
SEC's Edgar Database: Looking for a summary of a company's business strategy? The 10-K annual report form is one possible source (available on the company's internet site). This material usually comes in their business description, which is Part 1 of a standard 10-K format and early in the doc. You may also do a CTRL-F word find for keywords.
S&P NetAdvantage tutorials via Market Intelligence
Industry surveys break down current trends, profitability, costs, competition and consumer preferences in an industry. Sometimes called market research.
Articles about economic conditions, management techniques, theory and practice of business, advertising, marketing, economics, human resources, finance, and taxation. 1971-present
Company, industry, financial, and country profiles. Includes company description, history, products, competitors, and key employees; industry segmentation, competitive landscape, leading companies, forecasts, economic performance, potential development, and business environmental analysis. Case Studies provide concise evaluations of the latest innovative company strategies. Current / past 2 years to present.
Vendor is working to resolve known problem with access via Safari (11/20/2024)
A global market information database with extensive industry, company, country and consumer reports and statistics. The most detailed information can be found in Cooking Ingredients & Meals, Dairy Products & Alternatives, Snacks, and Staple Foods.