If you need help writing your paper, integrating resources into your writing, or properly citing sources other units at Texas State University offer the following:
University Writing Center @ RRC: The Writing Center offers tutoring for writing at the Round Rock campus. Assistance via webcam may also be possible. Make sure to set up an appointment on their website: https://rrc.writingcenter.txstate.edu/.
Student Learning Assistance Center (SLAC): SLAC provides online resources which students at the Round Rock campus can use. This includes an Online Writing Lab (OWL) (submit papers online for review) and a Writing page for a lot of information and guides to assist with the writing process.
Have a lot of citations you want to enter in your works cited/references list? Try a citation manager.
Do you need the Web or Desktop version?
This very handy option may appear on screen once you have opened an article in a research database; in an EBSCO database it is usually on the right-hand side. Click it and citations in various styles will be generated for the article that you have opened. Remember: This is just a starting point for adding the citation to your research paper. Double check the citation for accuracy. There are often mistakes!
In addition to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th ed. (2020) APA also provides an APA Style website to provide information beyond what is included in the book.
APA uses this social media site to answer questions about APA style and share information with users.
Purdue OWLS is a widely respected site for writing assistance including APA format.