Includes instructional materials and enrichment for K-12 reading and library activities. Resources include streaming author interviews, book readings, author websites and blogs, video book trailers, ready-to-use evaluated lesson plans and book discussion guides.
Google Scholar can be a useful tool when collecting research information. Settings can be updated to display:
Library Links - FindIt@Txstate
Bibliography Manager - EndNote (refers to Desktop EndNote)
This is a browser extension - if you find an article on the web, it will bring you to the full-text through TXST Libraries. This tool can also help with alerting you to journals considered "Problematic" (potentially predatory).
Search by keywords/phrases and use Boolean searching.
AND: "bilingual education" AND policy
OR: "culturally relevant pedagogy" OR "culturally relevant curriculum"
Using "Quotation Marks" searches words as a phrase.
Limit search results by Date and Peer-Reviewed journals.
Truncation searches variations of a word. The symbol used is asterisk *.
bilingual* will retrieve: bilingual, bilingualism, bilingual education, etc.
Check Subject terms to see if there are any synonym terms to consider.
If you come across a citation to an article and you'd like to track down its full text, follow the steps below: