You can use the Ask Us! service for questions about library resources, research assignments or other information. We offer Chat, Text, or you can also email a question to us. You can also make an online or in-person research assistance appointment.
Log in to ILLiad with your NetID username and password to make an Interlibrary Loan request to borrow items from another library.
This service is free to CURRENTLY enrolled Texas State students and employees.
Typical turnaround for a book is 2 weeks, and pick up and return is at the 3rd floor Checkout Desk.
Turnaround time for articles varies depending on format (hard copy or electronic) but averages 2 to 3 days. Log in to ILLiad to retrieve your electronic article copy.
Faculty & Graduate students can request articles from Alkek's print journal collection sent electronically using ILLiad.
Texshare cards allow you borrowing privileges at many local libraries, including the following participating libraries.
Request a card online through this TexShare Card request form or sign up in person at the Checkout Desk. Materials must be returned to the same library from which they were borrowed.
You can use the Worldcat database to look up items and see which libraries in Texas own them.
Are you in between semesters? You can also get a Texshare card from your local public library. Typically Texshare cards from public libraries are valid for a year.
Alkek Library delivers electronic copies of articles from our print journal collection right to your desktop. Scanning Request Form for current students, faculty, or staff to use:
Browse thousands of top academic journals by subject, easily review tables of contents, and download full articles. Stay Current by creating a personal bookshelf of titles to follow and receive new issue and new article notifications. Download mobile companion here. See more info about Browzine here.
Browzine is a way for you to browse online journals from Alkek, create virtual bookshelves with your favorite journals, and access online journal articles from Alkek on your phone or tablet using the Browzine app (iOS, Android, & Kindle). You can also access Browzine on the web.