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TH 5303: Conceptualization and Composition: Image Resources

Guide for TH 5303 Conceptualization and Composition

Related Guides & Resources

Visit the Art & Design guide for more resources on finding images and content in our library.

Also, Primary Source Historical databases may be a good place to find inspiration in old newspapers, diaries, photography, and other content.

Image Databases

Check the Image Databases for a complete listing of Alkek Library's holdings.

Finding Images in Books

Finding illustrations or photos of objects, people, paintings, prints, etc.

Our cataloging does mention whether a book is illustrated. The first and simplest way to find a picture of something, is to look for a book about it, then note whether the catalog entry mentions "ill." or “illus.” Those abbreviations mean the book has an illustration or is illustrated.

Also know that "pictorial works," "pictures," "illustration" or “___ in art” are legitimate subject headings that can be combined with any number of keywords to find pictures or illustrations. For example, “flowers in art” is a subject heading, or “birds—pictorial works,” or look at “Pictorial works” as a subject heading alone. It tells you: Search also: subdivision Pictorial works under names of countries, cities, etc., individual persons, families, corporate bodies, and under classes of persons, ethnic groups, and topical headings.

We do own the Illustration Index, Sculpture Index, and Havlice's World Painting Index (tells you what book has a reproduction or illustration of known works by known artists) and Martha Moss's Photography Books Index, volumes I and II, a subject guide to photo anthologies. If you do a keyword search under “catalogue raisonne” you will get all the books of the complete works (catalogue raisonne) of particular artists.

Finding Images in old Magazines & Newspapers

Do we own it?

Search by Magazine name: Check the Periodical List (online content)  or Library Catalog (print content) to see if we have the magazine you want.

Search by Topic: Reader's Guide to Periodical Literature (1982-present) and Readers Guide Retrospective (1890-1982) is a good source for searching Popular Magazines by topic.

Newspapers: Check online collections or search 3rd floor Microfilm shelves by Newspaper Title.

Print/Microfilm Collections

Microfilm, microfiche, and print journals and magazines published after 1980 are located on the 3rd floor.

Print Journals and magazines published before 1980 are shelved by call number on floors 5-6.

Browsing Guide

Below is a list of Call Number areas for Fine Arts, Theater, Architecture, etc for general browsing purposes when searching for images. 
Subject Call Number
Advertising HF 5801-6182
Aesthetics BH
Architecture NA
Art Encyclopedias N1-9165
Art General NX
Decorative Arts NK
Drawing & Illustration NC
Graphic Arts & Computer Graphics TR, NC, Z200
Jewelry Making TS, TT
Music M
Painters & Painting ND
Photography TR
Printmaking NE
Sculpture & Sculptors NB
Costume design & History TT, GT500-2370

Theatre and Dance Librarian

Profile Photo
Stephanie Towery
ALK 218