Welcome to your Library Guide!
This guide is your portal to Alkek Library resources to help you in your studies, research, teaching, and professional development.
These tools will help you find, save, and organize your articles - and help you stay current in your field.
This is a browser extension - if you find an article on the web, it will bring you to the full-text through TXST Libraries.
This is a desktop and mobile app that lets you build a bookshelf of your favorite journals - and let you know when new articles are published.
Use the above link to access the TXST instance of Google Scholar - find articles there, and get the full text through TXST Libraries.
Citation managers save you time - they create libraries of citations and articles, which you can use to create your bibliography and help you cite while your write.
There are many citation managers out there, some free, some not. TXST students, faculty, and staff can use EndNote for free.
Use the Ask Us! service for questions about library resources, research assignments or other information. We offer chat and text, or you can email your question.
You may also Request Research Assistance with a librarian or specialist.