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CHEM 5395: Fundamentals of Research: 3. Finding Articles - How

Create a Search String

Step 3: Create a search string to find articles

Once you know the main ideas for your topic, you need to combine them in a way the database will understand.  You can...

  • put Boolean operators (AND, OR, or NOT) between your search terms (see box below left)
  • use Phrase Searching ("" around a phrase) to bring back articles with that exact phrase (see box below right), 
  • or...use the other tools listed in the box below Phrase Searching (see box bottom right).

*Remember you may not find articles that include all your core concepts...that's OK.  If you're not getting enough results, mix and match your terms in smaller groups to find articles that are related to your topic.  Check out the video bottom right for ideas. 

Combine Keywords

Research Databases do not work like Google!

You can't just type in your question. can combine keywords into a "question" that the database will understand.  Using AND, OR, NOT between search terms will make your search waaaaay more precise. See below for some fun Venn Diagrams...

  • AND between two keywords will bring back less results    - only those that have both keywords.
  • OR between two keywords will bring back more results   - all those articles that have either keywords.
  • NOT between two keywords will bring back less results    - only those articles with the first keyword, but not the second keyword.

One Perfect Source?

Using Boolean Operators