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Ethnohistory: Books

Bibliography on Comanches

Books from other libraries

If you are interested in books which are not owned by the Alkek Library, they can be requested via our Interlibrary Loan service and we will borrow them from another library.  This is a free service available to current Texas State Students, Faculty, Staff.  NOTE:  This process takes 7-10 days for books. 

To request a book, open our  ILLIAD link for interlibrary loan and fill out the online request form.

If you have not used the service before, just click near the bottom of the page at the "First time users" link to set up your free account. 

 WorldCat  is a database to look at to find out which libraries own books that might not be available in the Alkek Library.  Use the "request this item via ILL" link in each record to generate an ILL request to Texas State.

Library of Congress is a great source of information as well.  In addition to the extensive catalog of books, a lot of digital primary source materials and other information is available here as well. 


Reference Books for General Background


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Margaret Vaverek