See the Databases & Indexes tab at the top of this page. Here you will find sources for finding articles from specific journals or by topics.
The lists below provide a few suggestions of journal titles that might be useful, depending upon specific topics of research.
Journals on Indigenous Peoples
(This online journal just getting started)
Journals on American Indians
American Indian Culture and Research Journal
Recherches Amérindiennes au Québec
Revista Española de Antropología Americana
Journals on American History
Journals on Anthropology
Journals on the Greater Southwest
Journal of Texas Archeology and History
Southwestern Historical Quarterly
Southwestern Journal of Anthropology
Journals on the Spanish Americas
Colonial Latin American Historical Review
Colonial Latin American Review
Hispanic American Historical Review
Latin American Research Review
Revista Complutense de Historia de América
There are many other journals that might prove useful for your research, here are a few more-
American Journal of Human Genetics