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First-Generation College Students

Selected Articles

Here are journal articles that are peer-reviewed and focused on first-generation college students.  These articles are available and accessible at Texas State University Libraries.

Alon, L., Sung, S., Cho, J., & Kizilcec, R. F. (2023). From emergency to sustainable online learning: Changes and disparities in undergraduate course grades and experiences in the context of COVID-19Computers & Education203, N.PAG.

Amirkhan, J. H., Manalo, R., Jr., & Velasco, S. E. (2023). Stress overload in first-generation college students: Implications for interventionPsychological Services20(3), 636–646.

Acevedo, E., & Lazar, A. J. (2022). Active learning and interpersonal skills development among first-generation college studentsInternational Studies Perspectives23(3), 249–270.

Bamberger, M. R., & Smith, T. J. (2023). First-generation college students: Goals and challenges of community collegeCommunity College Review51(3), 445–462.

Beard, L. M., Schilt, K., & Jagoda, P. (2023). Divergent pathways: How pre‐orientation programs can shape the transition to college for first‐generation, low‐income studentsSociological Forum38(3), 660–683.

Broadhurst, C., Ardoin, S., & Williamson, S. (2023). Providing pathways for first-generation college student successJournal of First-Generation Student Success3(1), 49–59.

Brown, D. A., Soto, J. G., Anand, S., Weimer, N. E., & Black, V. A. (2023). Risk factors and effectiveness of implemented academic interventions on student retention at a Hispanic-serving institutionJournal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice25(2), 398–419.

Coleman, C. J. (2023). Financial aid knowledge and resources among first-generation college studentsCollege & University98(3), 10–19.

Collins-Warfield, A. E., Niewoehner-Green, J. E., Scheer, S. D., & Mills, K. J. (2023). Student-ready critical care pedagogy: a student-centred instructional approach for struggling studentsTeaching in Higher Education, 1–21.

Delima, D. G. (2023). Learning from each other’s lives: First-generation college students of color engaging with diversity course contentActive Learning in Higher Education, 1.

Fei, L., Kang, X., Sun, W., & Hu, B. (2023). Global research trends and prospects on the first-generation college students from 2002 to 2022: a bibliometric analysis via CiteSpaceFrontiers in Psychology14, 1214216.

Fredricks, S. M., & DiFronzo-Heitzer, N. (2022). The impact of family on ethical decision making by first-generation and non-first-generation college students internationallyCritical Questions in Education13(2), 79–111.

Gomez, E., Zhou, J., & Jun Yu. (2023). Financial literacy of college students: Focus on first-generation studentsJournal of Business Diversity23(1), 1–8.

Hansen-Brown, A. A., Lavigne, C., & Frade, K. (2023). 'I’m proud to say I was the first in my family to go to college’: How students perceive professor self-disclosure of first-generation status. Social Psychology of Education: An International Journal.

Jones, D., McCalla, M., & Beverly, E. A. (2023). Measuring grit, self-efficacy, curiosity, and intolerance of uncertainty in first-generation college and first-generation osteopathic medical students. BMC Medical Education23(1).

Kezar, A., Kitchen, J. A., Estes, H., Hallett, R., & Perez, R. (2023). Tailoring programs to best support low-income, first-generation, and racially minoritized college student success. Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice25(1), 126–152.

López, M. J., Santelices, M. V., & Taveras, C. M. (2023). Academic performance and adjustment of first-generation students to higher education: A systematic review. Cogent Education10(1).

Marrero, M. E., Brandon, L. T., Gunning, A. M., & Riccio, J. F. (2023). Supporting first-generation college students to become teachers in high-needs schools. Teacher Educator58(2), 130–152.

McCarthy, K., Chavez, K., Gastelum, K., Gomez, J., & Salas, J. (2023). Imposter phenomenon: The occupational experiences of first-generation college students. Open Journal of Occupational Therapy (OJOT)11(2), 1–18.

Mercado, F. (2023). Difference-education intervention that promotes a sense of belonging, mindset, and hope in minoritized first-generation students. Journal of Leadership, Equity, and Research9(1), 115–132.

Ricci, L. A., & French, R. (2023). Aiming for alignment: Faculty and student perspectives on effectively teaching first-generation students. Journal of Effective Teaching in Higher Education6(1), 25–46.

Rocha, J. (2023). A multi-methods approach to qualitative inquiry to explore the college journeys of Mexican American women. Journal of Latinos & Education22(4), 1693–1708.

Rogers, J., Shane, J., Keyserlingk, L., & Heckhausen, J. (2023). Changes in college students’ socioeconomic status aspirations during the COVID-19 pandemic. Social and Personality Psychology Compass.

Rovitto, T. L. (2022). (Cultural) humility in practice: Engaging first-generation college students. Journal of College Student Psychotherapy36(3), 294–309.

Soria, K. M. (2023). Basic needs insecurity among first-generation community college students with disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of First-Generation Student Success3(1), 33–48.

Stratton, C., & Miller-Perrin, C. (2023). Mentoring, life purpose, and well-being in first-generation college students: Impact of life purpose mentoring by faculty. Journal of College & Character24(3), 217–237.

Teresa Tuason, M., Carroll, L., Schutz, M., & Buchanan, S. (2023). From oppression to opportunity: A pilot study of an intervention program for vulnerable first generation college students. Frontiers in Psychology, 1–11.

Totonchi, D. A., Tibbetts, Y., Williams, C. L., Francis, M. K., DeCoster, J., Lee, G. A., Hull, J. W., & Hulleman, C. S. (2023). The cost of being first: Belonging uncertainty predicts math motivation and achievement for first-generation, but not continuing-generation, students. Learning and Individual Differences107.

White, M., & Canning, E. A. (2023). Examining active help-seeking behavior in first-generation college students. Social Psychology of Education: An International Journal.

Wittner, B., Barthauer, L., & Kauffeld, S. (2023). Accessibility and mobilisation of social capital in first-generation students’ social networks—a mixed-methods approach. Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice25(2), 254–278.

Wright, A. L., Roscigno, V. J., & Quadlin, N. (2023). First-generation students, college majors, and gendered pathways. The Sociological Quarterly64(1), 67–90.