These fact sheets are accessible through the Center for First-Generation Student Success. They focus and collect national statistics regarding first-generation students’ transition to graduate school and employment one year after earning a bachelor’s degree. “This guide provides information for college staff who want to collect and use student-level data to inform work with first-generation college students and graduates.” (Source: National Data Fact Sheets)
This independent federal agency provides information regarding first-generation students pursuing STEM professions and in STEM education.
This nonpartisan organization informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world. Data is released approximately two years after reports are published.
PNPI reported a 2022 census overview of first-generation students in higher education. PNPI gathered data from other education statistics tools.
This statistics database enables users to create tables, maps, and figures from a very wide range of data sources. International in scope. Data are organized by subject, source, and geography. Sage Data is available and accessible at Texas State University Libraries.