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GNST 4350: Interdisciplinary Project: 1. Pick Your Topic

This guide is specific to completing the Project Outline, Project Research (Problem and Audience), and Project Research (Format and Minors) steps of the GNST 4350 Interdisciplinary Project.

Welcome to Research!

Step 1: Pick Your Topic.

Picking a topic is more than just finding a problem and brainstorming a solution - it's a process throughout your research.  You need to...

  • start with a problem/solution and figure out the core concepts (main ideas) driving each,
  • brainstorm keywords for your core concepts,
  • find some basic background information on individual concepts (and more keywords!),
  • start searching for articles/data on your problem and solution,
  • then refine your problem and solution to be specific, real, and something you can complete in one semester.

These steps are outlined in the next pages...

Picking Your Topic IS Research

Research is a Process

Research Process

Research Process from choosing a topic to writing