How to use this guide:
Read through the steps - Watch the videos - Research like a pro!
What's the problem? Prove it!
OK, the problem is obvious, right? Not to your audience.
To prove to your audience that the problem exists, you have to build a case for it:
You're going to need to do research.
Who is your audience? Know them!
Who will your solution help? Who are you making your case to? These may not be the same groups. You need to know both of them.
You need to know who your audiences are to ensure...
Get some demographics, do some of your own research about their needs, and find some data. The more you know about who you're helping and who you're talking to, the better chance you have to actually reach them.
You're going to need to do research.
What's your solution? It's unique!
You may have a solution in mind already. Most students start with the solution.
Search for possible solutions early and often - on the web, through professional organizations, or through journal research...because sometimes solutions already exist.
What do you do if the solution already exists? Get to know your problem and audience better, because the solutions may not be working, or may not be responsive to your specific problem, audience, or situation.
You're going to need to do research.