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GNST 4350: Interdisciplinary Project: 7. Statistics

This guide is specific to completing the Project Outline, Project Research (Problem and Audience), and Project Research (Format and Minors) steps of the GNST 4350 Interdisciplinary Project.

Use Statistics

Step 7: Statistics help.

Statistics are a great way to show that your topic is relevant, important, or has an impact.

  • Statistics can bolster (or detract from) your argument. 
  • They are also a great way to understand your problem and audience better

Governmental Statistics

The U.S. Government has a ton of statistics for you to use. (click on the title to start using).

Search using Google:

  • Put .gov at the end of your search - your first results should be from governmental sites.
  • Not finding what you need?  Search like you would in a database - use AND between keywords and then put .gov at the end of your search.

Specific Government Statistics sites:

Statistical Databases

You have access to multiple statistical databases through the library website. 

These are just a few...